Eminer Bi-Monthly Report|August — September 2021

1 min readOct 3, 2021

Eminer Public Chain

1) Main chain contract evm version upgraded from 0.7.3 to 0.8.1,default support ABI coder v2

2) Investigate EIP-3782, the unicode standard that supports multiple tokens

3) Main chain optimization transaction from network layer to transaction layer flow logic development, 20% completed

4) The main chain supports ETH RPC development, which is 25% complete

5) Multi-asset brand new program renovation in progress, 90% complete.

6) Inter-node communication is 75% complete by grpc to reduce the size of transferred data and thus increase the speed of communication.

7) The trust verification between proxy nodes is done by CA certificate and RSA symmetric encryption to ensure the trust verification between nodes through cryptographic theory, which is 80% complete.

8) The smart contract data splitting solution has entered the development stage, and is 70% complete by adding virtual link points through consistent hashing to address the current situation of uneven data distribution.

9) Wasm contract development library em-std is under development, 90% completed.

10) Research on the solution of seamless flow of assets from ETH to Eminer chain, 20% completed

