Eminer Bi-Monthly Report | December 2020 — January 2021

2 min readFeb 1, 2021

Eminer public chain

1) Added viper language support at the bottom of the smart contract, 45% complete.

2) New multi-asset solution renovation in progress, 55% complete.

3The P2P upgrade and transformation of the Eminer main-network, based on the QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) protocol, optimize the network message transmission, 80% complete.

4Inter-node communication is done by grpc to reduce the size of transferred data and thus increase the speed of communication, 30% completed.

5The trust verification between proxy nodes is done by CA certificate and RSA symmetric encryption to ensure the trust verification between nodes through cryptography theory, 35% completed.

6) Smart contract data splitting solution has entered the development stage, through consistent hashing plus virtual link points to solve the current situation of uneven data distribution, 25% completed.

7Wasm contract development library em-std under development, 55% completed.

Token Exchange

After Huobi Exchange fully supports the Eminer mainnet upgrade, two exchanges, Bithumb and Indodax, have also entered the development and testing phase of the Eminer mainnet one after another. Please refer to the exchange’s announcement regarding the exact time of upgrade completion as the upgrade progress may vary for each one. Once again, please do not top-up EM mainnet tokens to exchange that have not upgraded their mainnet before the exchange has completed their mainnet upgrade, to avoid the phenomenon of tokens not being credited, which may cause unnecessary losses.


1、Eminer was invited to participate in the BitMax exchange’s second-anniversary celebration on December 22nd.

